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Before scheduling an appointment:
  • Make sure your pet has had a current exam (within 6 months) to our clinic or your primary care clinic

  • You pet should be current on their vaccinations - Rabies at minimum!

  • .If your pet has been seen elsewhere, provide complete medical notes and records at least one week prior to an expected appointment

  • Complete and return an acupuncture intake form at least one week prior to an expected appointment - you can download and once completed email or mail back, we also have forms available at the front desk!

What to expect in an appointment:

  • At the first acupuncture appointment, lasting about 45 minutes, we will discuss your completed intake form, develop a treatment, and have the first acupuncture needles placed.

  • After the initial consultation appointment we will start a series of 6 therapeutic appointments, each lasting approximately 20-30 minutes

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